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City Water Advisory Recap and Acknowledgment


In the morning hours on Friday, July 19, 2024, a lighting strike was the apparent cause of the power surge that subsequently caused unit failure of electronic components in Water Well #7.

City officials promptly issued an Emergency Water Conservation Notice to all Water Utility Customers, allowing them to assess the situation and develop a plan. It was soon discovered that the VFD (Variable Frequency Drive controller) and motor, were affected.

As repairs were underway, a boil water notice was issued and the City’s water supply was interrupted for a short time. During which time, the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) reached out to help, to which the city responded with a request for water. Once our request from TDEM was sanctioned, the Lexington Volunteer Fire Department swiftly acted upon the City's request for assistance in the unloading and distribution of water.

The Mayor and City Council would like to express our appreciation to our City Staff for their many hours of dedication and hard work throughout this event.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the Lexington Fire Department for serving as the Central point and providing manpower for our water distribution efforts, the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) for the 20 pallets of bottled water, Lexington Food Mart for the generous donation of food for the volunteers and to the community members who volunteered their time to help distribute to their fellow neighbors within the community.

Lastly, we extended our thanks to each and every one of our water utility customers. We recognize the effects that events like this can bring. We are dedicated to keeping the community informed and value your patience.       


Thank you

The City of Lexington