Gas & Electric Utilities

The following Gas and Electric Companies provide service to the City of Lexington community. 

Residential Electric Services:

The City of Lexington provides electric power services to our residents. Our service area covers approximately 2 square miles. 

For 24 Hour Emergency Utilities Issues (Water/Electric/Sewer), please call 979-540-9026.

Customers wishing to set up utility service must come into our office with a Lease Agreement or Purchase/Deed paper work for the service address. An application must be filled out and a picture I.D. supplied in addition to the deposit to set up any and all services. If you have questions about Billing and Account Information, please contact Lexington City Hall at 979-773-2221.

Natural Gas:

Atmos Energy Corporation Services the City of Lexington Residents. Atmos Energy’s vision is to be the safest natural gas provider around. If you have questions regarding your gas services, please contact Atmos at 888-286-6700 or for emergency services please contact 866-322-8667.

Whether you are a homeowner or a professional excavator, your call to 811 allows affected facility operators to locate and mark their underground facilities in the area in which you are digging. There is no cost to you — even the call is free — so Call 811 Before You Dig!

Contact Info

Floyd Lovings
Electrical Department Lineman
(979) 716-9512